I kind of feel that El Guincho and Coconot's similarities to Animal Collective are kind of like the similarities between Eagle vs Shark and Napoleon Dynamite; mostly accidental and out of shared interests. Like these films' proclivations to the quirky and daggy, Pablo Diaz Reixa and Animal Collective gravitate to the ecstatic and weirdly human.
[Coconot MySpace]
[Buy Cosa Astral from Bcore Disc]
Haha. I'm just tripping; this isn't even tropical, it's called Palms, though, and the album is called Midnight in Honolulu, which is pretty darn apt, cos it sounds like the time I went (nearly) naked swimming on a beach that wasn't in Honolulu because we ran for like 500 metres before the ocean floor wasn't all muddy and sticky between our toes and before it was more than (almost)waist deep.
[Palms MySpace]
[Buy Midnight in Honolulu from Rare Book Room]
Here's a picket fenced backyard romp through sprinklers and Bill and Sam and Neil are getting excited, letting loose (because you get a girl to laugh, you get a girl to love) and flailing arms. Then, back inside for snacks and D&D. Awesome.
[Ducktails MySpace]
[Buy from Ducktails Tapes]
I had this real sexy dream about two of my friends and me hanging on the beach, all lens flarey and hazy. It was in Sydney at bizzarro Bronte and it was sooo warm and sandy and I could hear the ocean woosh like this Reefer album all blue moony and Tahitian which felt strange because when was the last time you heard stuff in yr dreams?
[Reefer MySpace]
[Buy Reefer from Alpha Pop]
don't ever stop blogging, please.
oh man, your right on it.
this stuff is the best!
shea i read yr blog more than you read mine
i read it at work
on my rss feeder
also word dot eyes!!!!
i want to hear more about the (almost) naked.
and the sandy sandy dreams...
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