I've been waiting on new Slim Thug for what seems like an eternity now. Already Platinum with it's blend of Southern and not-so Southern beats, in particular those by The Neptunes (good beats as well, not the ones where they throw together some awful synth loop while Pharrell phones in a falsetto hook over the top) and Slim's slow and low flow made it an instant favourite for me. What I loved about Slim is though that Texas drawl is always apparent, you can have him rap over pretty much any beat, whether it be fast or slow, loud or soft and without so much as changing his style, he'll make it work.

The I Represent This: Part 2 mixtape dropped not too long ago as a precursor to Boss Of All Bosses. Amidst the usual freestyles over "borrowed" beats, we're treated to glimpse of Slim's new direction since he parted ways with The Neptunes' Star Trak Entertainment. I was a little worried after hearing I Run. With it's borrowed chorus from Flock Of Seagulls, "I Ran", and lyrics about the current economic crisis, I was ready to throw in the towel and relegate him to the same status I put Cam'ron these days. However, two tracks in and I'm hit with AJs, an ode to Air Jordans and hood life backed with 808s and horn stabs, and I'm able to breathe a little easier. On Show Me Love, Mannie Fresh laces Slim with that nicely distilled Cash Money Records sound. Outlawz in Da Building is a testament to Slim killing it over any beat that's put in front of him. In this case it's Jay-Z's Roc Boys.
[Slim Thug MySpace]
[Boss Of All Bosses will be released on the 24th of March. Buy it from Boss Hog Outlawz]
Yo! Second link is wrong.
My fault.
All good now.
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