New Mark McGuire tour CD and it flows even more smooth than usual, melding the synthesized 80s and Terry Riley-style stuff over again, signature advancements on a played-out experimental function (cascading loop pedal patterns) and I can finally feel what David Keenan meant in that hypno pop article about this stuff sounding like The Police (I think it said that?), real vibes-focused and yeah all crystals but mostly that "Free Drugs" feeling that goes with the Vacation Days title of post-swim sun bliss or mini-epihphany. Music that sounds like that kind of goodness/lyffe importance without sounding lame and soundtracky is and this album fits in with another fav feeling of mine/ours ie. total homeliness/gritty niceness as well.
[Buy Vacation Days from Hanson Records]
[Mark McGuire Blog]
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