This is an incredible song. Danny & The Parkins Sisters came out of the same legendary San Fran scene that gave the world the Dead Kennedys and Flipper, and like those bands they're super smart, funny and fearless. But this song sounds nothing like them. Instead of scrappy punk heroics, this song features soul-vibin' vocals, drums, handclaps and... that's it. These post-punk beatnix quit almost exactly as Beat Happening were starting, and who knows if they were ever aware of each other, but in spirit they're all brothers and sisters. This track, War (Is On Your Doorstep), is from their 1982 mini-album which has just been reissued by the excellent Chapter Music. It comes with a bunch of demos and live tracks, too: totally comprehensive, totally awesome.
[Danny & The Parkins Sisters MySpace]
[Buy Danny & The Parkins Sisters from Chapter Music]
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