The southern hemisphere "blogging scene" isn't exactly thriving, which is why it's weird that one of our favourite blogs on the whole internet is from Sydney. Jarred Beeler started Life: Aquatic in March this year but it's taken him no time to establish a unique and interesting voice in the blogosphere, which is no small deal. You can put it down to the amazing job he's done of digging up obscure & beautiful gems and, more generally, the vibe he's curated at Life: Aquatic - minimalist, dreamy, nostalgic.
Jarred did us a solid and compiled his ten favourite songs of the year for us; check them out below.
10. Houses - Endless Spring
All Night out through Lefse // myspace
Despite their debut record having been under-appreciated by Pitchfork, this track remains pure bliss. I wish I was there in Hawaii when they were making this track.
9. Com Truise - Cyanide Sisters
Cyanide Sisters digital 7" out through comtruise.com // myspace
I couldn't have a top 10 list without including this vintage synth wielding genius. Cyanide Sisters uses some of the most satisfying 80's drum samples I've heard this year. Even if the track consisting solely of the drum samples I'd still enjoy it.
8. Fishing - OOOO
OOOO 7" out through Other Tongues // myspace
Fishing are the most exciting beatsmiths to have emerged from Australia of late. This is their signature track and the times I've seen them perform it live a small smirk is visible on both of their faces.
7. Craft Spells - Party Talk
Party Talk out through Captured Tracks // myspace
This is the cream of pop in low fidelity. Blending some of the best parts of New Wave with some tropical percussion that eminates from a little drum machine. Justin Vallesteros' charmingly unpractised vocals give this track an awkward teen vibe (which fits well to the song's theme).
6. Star Slinger - Slow N' Wet
Volume 1 out through starslinger.net // myspace
I know many of you will disagree, perhaps even Darren himself perhaps, but his has to be my fave Star Slinger song. Its so cool in every way. It makes me want to do things in slow motion, wearing a full body tracksuit. Wait for that pause just before the bass kicks in.
5. Ice Cream Shout - Tattooed Tears
Cups out through bigcartel // myspace
This Japanese act came out of nowhere with this Morissey and latino gangster inspired gem. Bobb's melancholy vocals contain all the same isolation and loneliness that Morissey's contain.
4. Blue Hawaii - Lilac
Blooming Summer out through Arbutus // myspace
This track almost has an oriental sound to it. Sampling some amazing string melodies and covering them in sparkling little synth hooks creates a perfect layer for her angelic vocals to glide across. The track blossoms fully right at the end in an explosion of sound and beauty.
3. Albatross - Sirens
A stunning blend pulsating strings and rollerdexed percussion samples. This is my favourite combination of Glitch Hop and smooth falsetto vocals.
2. Deerhunter - Helicopter
Halcyon Digest out through 4AD // myspace
I know this will be on everyone's list but it cannot be overlooked. It comes off a record I will one day show my kids. "Check this dope shit out, son."
1. Bobb Bruno - Look Out The Window So They Won't See You Crying
Mellow Dramas out soon // myspace
This track will be one of those few tracks for me that never get old. A brittle piano riff teeters on top of a rolling bass line and those haunting whale cries that reverberate from below. I want everyone in the world to hear this tune.

This is my favorite list of favorites of 2010.
albatross are fucking sweet
Maybe my favorite 2010 lists, as well. Nice mix!
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