Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Ever since Far Side Virtual James Ferraro has been casting his net wider and wider with a series of next-level re-brands and side-projects that can be difficult to stay on top of. Gecko Afterlife is another brand new one, and sees him working with some of the cybernetic-r&b sonic elements of his Bodyguard project, while also heading off in crisper, less sinister and almost house-y territory that actually reminds quite a bit of the new-ish Physical Therapy track.

1 comment:

El Samurái Entiende said...

Tengo como absurdo desafío, llámalo pasar el rato llámalo vivir, hacer 1 canción cada dos días durante 1 año e ir colgándolas aquí:

Suscribirsus que si me hacéis famoso con tamaña gilipollez daré por concluido el posmodernismo y os consideraré oficialmente pioneros del siguiente periodo de mierda que toque.
Un abrazo!