A few years ago, when I lived in Wollongong, NSW, the local library had a section where you could borrow a bunch of real grubby CDs which had apparently been selected at random from the last 20 years of popular music. If you could be bothered thumbing through the pop/rock section, dodging the copies of Pennywise’s Live @ the Key Club and Fastball’s All The Pain Money Can Buy, you could occasionally find some records that would broaden your horizons and shit. Like the time I borrowed the Cure’s Boys Don’t Cry. I never really made it past track three, 10:15 Saturday Night, but everything’s fallen into place for me all the same because now I get to refer to it in a long-winded blog post. Specifically: the sketchy, off-balance post-punk rhythms in Left For Dead remind me of 10:15 Saturday Night, which I like, because I dream of one day being a twitchy, knife-happy smackhead, and the more songs I have to soundtrack that ambition, the better.

Mum Smokes’ track is more mystical than The Cure’s, though, for two main reasons: firstly, Karl E. Scullin’s (Kes Band) dreamy vox/backing vox make this more medical marijuana than gutter junk; and secondly, well, it’s the usual assortment of bizarre acoustic sounds you’d expect from anything Mr Scullin’s involved in (I’m not sure if that’s the singing saw at the start but I choose to believe it is). So, maybe it’s not gonna soundtrack my gradual slump into a lifetime of narcotic addiction, but it could be a good starting point.
Mum Smokes have two albums out in April – Easy and House Music – on Sensory Projects.
[Mum Smokes MySpace]
1 comment:
funny.. i think i like you
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