Writing songs about girls is a gr8 idea because for starters you’re dealing with a subject matter everyone (EVERYONE) likes already (you’ll find the same can not be said about boys). The way you make it better is by not pussying out in the actual songs, and Royal Headache understand both of these important points. These two absurdly FUCKING good garage pop gems are both full of lovestruck madness, but in a way that you can, y’know, respect, because it’s all loose and raw and kinda manly. There’s Girls, which is all joyful, lust-fuelled abandon and actually fairly unintelligible but still one of the best songs I’ve heard this year, with its transcendental Guided By Voices supermelody; and Eloise, which descends into ragged na-na-nas from some controlled and slightly sinister (“Eloise / don’t make me bad”) power-pop.

Royal Headache are also playing the ace Flip Out festival in Sydney, August 29 at the Manning Bar.
UPDATE: They've also been added to the Melbourne line-up (September 5 at The Corner) following a write-up on Pitchfork's Forkcast! You heard it here first!
[Royal Headache MySpace]
Where's the Halal love on this blog!?
royal headaches are the fuking shizuoka!
It's all erroneous the thing you are saying.
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