Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I haven't seen Wellington's Disasteradio play for a year or two now but last time I witnessed his show he was surrounded by archaic computer systems, Commadore 64s, ancient PCs, samplers, shit, I don't even know what. All I know is they must be a bitch to lugg around when he goes on tour. His energy's pretty amazing though, madly pressing buttons to create a not-so-seamless but extremely fun style of computer rock or electro pop or something. He's way better than Casiotone For The Painfully Alone. When I saw that guy play live it was just like some chubby guy doing karaoke and being a sad guy, it wasn't much fun at all, he just mumbled into the mic and stood around mopin'.

This is Disasteradio's new video. His music's built for the club and for old skool computer nerdz and everyone, really. If you wanna make jams like Disasteradio then you can download the program he uses for free! As for making a video as badass as this, well, I wouldn't bother trying. Seriously, how could it get more amazing?

[Disasteradio Myspace]

Also, here's a photo of me dressed as a robot:

What a good party theme, robots. There wasn't any Disasteradio on the speakers but plenty of Daft Punk.


Anonymous said...

fucking amazing!

Anonymous said...

hey richard, thanks again for putting me on to disasteradio. we had him as our guest on our radio show last week, he gave good interview. thought you might be interested in hearing the podcast:
