Hey guyz so my internet stopped working again and I'm back down at my friendly local cafe (it's called HEATON PERK in homage to CENTRAL PERK on 'Friends', it's got the red couches and everything!) using the wireless on my MacBook and feeling like I'm missing out on way too much good music. It's kind of stifling and I wish I was actually listening to this new Ducktails track right now but I forgot my headphones, but anyway, he's kickin it on the amazng Wonder Years vibe some more on this new cassette (it's out on Arbor) and it's pretty ace, sooo comfy and warm and making nostalgia out of plastic moulds. I interviewed Matt Mondanile (the New Jersian behind Ducktails) the other day; we talked about babysitting and palm trees and it's up on Tiny Mix Tapes right now! More new music here soooon promise.

[Ducktails MySpace]
[Buy Acres of Shade from Ducktails Tapes]
Haven't been able to stop listening to Ducktails or Predator Vision for a few months now. It's a shame my old tape player/recorder is slowly spluttering its way to an undigified death. I'll have to stick with the MP3s for now.
yeah that sun araw/predator vision split is off the chain as well, thank you not not fun!
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