Saturday, May 21, 2011


Marsen Jules: "Sleep My Brother, Sleep" by alteredzones

Marsen Jules' latest rings out pretty clear with its neoclassical New Age approach to one of the moment's main obsessions, nostalgia, which gives his latest (and so far most personal) album its name. Six years ago his Herbstlaub record was gripped by many for its "elegiac various of orchestral sound fragments" that stood out even from contemporaries like Wolfgang Voigt, and Nostalgia furthers the discreetly beautiful ambience even more. Marsen himself talks of "Sleep My Brother, Sleep" as "a warm rounding up of the album; a slightly floating moment of peace" at the end of a record "about the beauty of a nostalgic look on what remained, while former happenings, dramas and excitements still vibrate in the air". Light years away from the hyper-soaring peaks of Jóhann Jóhannsson but still wrapped up obliquely and very quietly in a cinematic glory akin to Vangelis or some Terence Mailick landscape, Jules' undulant string revelations definitely tap into inspirational and spiritual zones.


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